Welcome to the Little Creatures Zooplankton and Aquaculture's collection of Phytoplankton additives.
We currently have two different types of 1 part algae fertilizer available to the public. The original and very famous F2 Guillard's algal nutrient , which we use in-house for our nannochloropsis cultures. However we prefer Walnes for all diatoms and plankton types that require silica. We also have done the hard work for you and prepared silicate in 250mls sanitizes bottles.
- f2 fertilizer
- F2 concentrate
- F2 Guillard
- F2 Guillards
- F2 nutrient
- F2 fertilizer
- Walnes nutrient
- Walnes concentrate
- Walnes fertilizer
- Australia
- Canberra
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Adelaide
- Gold coast
- Canberra
- Sunshine coast
- Phytoplankton fertilizer
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