Volume: 250mls
Sale price$20.00


Each 250 mls contains on aprox 250,000 Live Rotifers 100 Micron to 160 Micron on average in size. Rotifers - SS Type (Super small Strain -Brachionus rotundiformis) Rotifers are a small free swimming type of zooplankton typically in the size range of 50-1000 um that can be found in freshwater, brackish and marine environments. SS type rotifers are typically in the size range of 80-210 um. Uses Rotifers are typically used in Aquaculture ie. Marine hatcheries as a larval live feed for a range of fish and invertebrates species. They are however consumed by a wide range of species such as fish, shellfish, corals etc. and as such can provide a natural food source for a wide variety of animals in marine aquariums.

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